Herbal Tea
~The warmth of a beautiful cup of tea is healing to the soul~
When you drink a hot cup of tea, what do you feel? Do you feel a warm and fuzzy feeling? Do you feel a sense of healing within yourself? Maybe a sense of calm from within? A cup of warm herbal tea can be healing to the soul and the physical body. Many teas have been used for centuries for healing physical symptoms. Herbal teas can also be used for calming the mind, and for things like sleeping peacefully.
There are many ways to make a good cup of tea. Of course you can just boil some water, and put a tea bag in and drink a quick cup of tea. You can also take the time to get the most benefit from a good cup of tea. First is what tea you choose. I am a firm believer in all things organic, and tea is no exception. Tea leaves that are not organic are heavily sprayed with pesticides to try and prevent insects from destroying the plants. When these pesticides are sprayed on the plants, they become embedded in the plants and tea leaves. You cannot remove them, therefore when you steep your tea, you are drinking the pesticides. These pesticides are linked to cancer, hormone disruption, autoimmune disease and contribute to the toxic overload in the body. So organic tea is very important for your health and also to get the most of that beautiful cup of tea.
~Always choose organic tea…it’s the best way to benefit your body~
There are a couple ways to make a good cup of tea. With any tea, always start with clean filtered water. Clean filtered water will make the taste of your tea the best! You can boil your water in a tea kettle on the stove or use an electric tea kettle. I do not recommend microwaving water. First because the microwave can alter the purity of the water, and second because you cannot get the right temperature. The right temperature is very important for a great cup of tea! Certain teas should not be steeped in boiling water, and other teas are better with boiling water.
The amount of time the tea steeps is another huge factor in a beautiful cup of tea. If you let your tea steep for too long it can be bitter and not taste good. If you do not let it steep long enough, you may not be getting all the benefits of the tea. Green tea should be steeped for 3-4 minutes at a lower heat (about 175 degree F). Green tea is one of those teas if steeped too long can be very bitter. Oolong and black tea should be steeped for 3-5 minutes at lower heat also (195degree F). Herbal tea can be steeped for up to 15 minutes at a higher heat (about 200 degree F). There are so many types of herbal teas and each one has a different benefits.
~Each tea has a benefit to your body~
Green tea is great earlier in the day, it has caffeine and can help you focus for all the tasks of your day. Green tea is also rich in polyphenol antioxidants, which gives your cells amazing protection against so many diseases. Cancer, heart disease and illness can be fought by the body when you regularly drink green tea. It helps with focus and helps your memory. Black tea can benefit your heart health, lower your risk of diabetes, improve immunity, eliminates free radicals in the body and can aid in weight loss. Oolong tea is another tea that lowers your cancer risk, is great for heart health, can help you focus, and is great for skin issues. Now for herbal teas, there are too many to mention, but some of the popular ones are chamomile (calming and sleep), peppermint (calming, digestion and nausea), ginger (digestion), tumeric (immunity and inflammation), lavender (calming and sleep), cinnamon tea (anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory), lemongrass (anti-inflammatory, weight management and helps with anxiety), valerian root tea (sleep), elderberry flower tea (antibacterial and antiviral properties), echinacea tea (immune system, can also help with depression), rose tea (reduces oxidative stress), dandelion tea (digestion, can help fight against cancer cells), yerba mate (contains antioxidants, helps with weight loss, digestion and depression). There are so many more, and each one has a benefit. Many people use tea as preventative care for their bodies, and some use tea to help with symptoms they are experiencing.
~Tea can create a calming peace within you~
You can steep your tea in a tea bag, a strainer, or a french press for loose tea. All of these methods are good, it depends on what tea you have bought, and how much time you have to prepare your tea. You can drink it black, with a bit of lemon, or a drizzle of honey. I do not encourage using sugar because sugar is a toxin to your body. Your goal should always be to decrease your toxic load. You can make your tea taste so yummy with a touch of lemon or honey, getting the benefits of the lemon or honey.
There is also just a beautiful thing about making the most perfect cup of tea, sitting quietly, and just enjoying the warmth of of the tea. It can create a peace within you. You can enjoy tea at any time of the year, but there is something wonderful about the chilly months of the year with tea. Cozying up with a good book, snuggled with a warm blanket and your perfect cup of tea…just a beautiful moment.