My Journey with Keto
Have you heard of Keto and thought “oh there is no way that is healthy!”. That is what I thought too! I thought Keto was a fad diet and that it could not be healthy. Boy was I wrong! My journey with keto has been a very positive one, and has literally changed my life!
It started over a year ago when I could not understand why no matter what I did, I just could not lose weight! I exercised, I ate well (I thought I did anyway!). And no matter what I did, the scale would not budge! I also felt awful! I was tired all of the time. I could not remember anything, my memory was terrible and I had to write everything down or I could not remember it. I had this foggy feeling in my head all of the time. I was drinking too much coffee. I kept thinking “this is not right! This is not how I should be feeling!” I am a nurse (and was almost done my functional nutrition classes)…I should know why I am feeling like this!
So I went to an Integrative doctor, explained my issues, and he said “you have to go Keto!”. I said what? I had this thought about Keto in my head that was not positive. He explained that it would help all of my issues…weight loss, brain fog, memory issue and fatigue. So… I had some blood work done, bought a keto book that the Dr. suggested and got started right away.
Within 2 weeks, I was down weight, brain fog was gone, and energy started increasing! I could not believe it. I also noticed that I was not hungry. I thought to myself “could I keep up this lifestyle though?”.
I will be honest, I fell off the bandwagon a few times, ate some Tortilla chips or a slice of bread! I thought it was no big deal…but then after I ate those things I felt so crappy, tired and bloated that I swore I would not eat carbs again!
After a bit of time I was not losing much weight but was still feeling really well, so I kept at it. As I learned about Keto, I learned how it actually reduces the inflammation in your body. In the media now you hear a lot about plant based eating and how it is healthy and reduces your risk of disease. What I have learned is that is very wrong. Many plant based food and products you buy are processed and have added preservatives that are actually increasing inflammation in the gut and body.
YES!!! This cake is Keto!!!
I started following Maria and Craig Emmerich and they are some of the most knowledgeable people on the Ketogenic lifestyle! They have written many books (which are amazing!) and educate a lot on keto and the right way to do it. I was doing it wrong! I was eating more fat, when what I needed was more protein. So once I got that under control, not only was my energy up, brain fog gone and memory was good, the weight started falling off! I am currently in the process of getting my Keto Certification through Maria and Craig because this lifestyle has literally changed my life! I want to share this with others! I want to coach others on this lifestyle and heal people through food!
I am a registered nurse, a functional nutrition nurse coach, and will soon be a Keto coach! I love helping in this way! This is my passion… this is what I am truly meant to do! Help others heal! It is possible! It can be done!
I am on my health journey each and every day. Each day we have choices. I choose to continue to choose healthy keto foods because of how I continue to feel. I choose to continue with this lifestyle because I know I am healing my body.
Are you ready for these changes? Are you ready to feel your best? I am here for you!