Summer Bug Prevention
Summer is the best…prevent those little critters from bugging you
Summer…warm, sunny days…gardening…walks…playing with the kids…poolside…there are so many amazing activities outdoors for the summer! Fresh air and vitamin D from the sunshine is a perfect day! We also have to be careful of bugs that can bring us disease.
Mosquitos are annoying! They can just keep biting and biting until you just want to go inside. They are most of the time just annoying, but can also carry disease. First thing to do to avoid them is to get rid of any free standing water. Certain plants can deter them from hanging around where you are sitting. Citronella plants, lemon grass, lemon balm ~ these can all help keep them away.
Ticks are crummy little buggers! They bite and spread not only Lyme disease…but other tick born disease that can cause an array of symptoms. Lyme disease and other tick born diseases often go undiagnosed because the symptoms often start mild, so a lot of people do not get treatment right away. The best thing is to try and prevent tick bites at all cost! The next best step is that once you get bit, remove the tick right away and clean the bite really well with rubbing alcohol. Always keep a very close eye on the bite site too! Any changes, get checked right away.
Many bug sprays have very toxic ingredients including Deet, which can be linked to breathing issues, seizures, stomach issues and skin irritation. There are natural ways to prevent these little bugs from getting to you and creating havoc on your body!
Young Living Insect Repellant
Young Livings Insect Repellant is not only natural, but it is very effective and smells absolutely amazing! It is made with all essential oils that help deter the mosquitos and ticks. There are no harmful ingredients! I personally apply this every time I work out in the yard or go for a hike. I am a big believer in getting outside to get fresh air, sunlight, and to enjoy nature. Yet we do have to keep ourselves safe!
Citronella is the best essential oil to repel bugs. You can apply it directly to your skin, you can dilute it in a carrier oil and apply it to the skin, and it can be diffused. I put a diffuser on my deck when we are sitting out on the deck with citronella essential oil in it, along with my citronella plants and lemon grass. Lemongrass is another essential oil that is great in the diffuser or on the skin to keep those buggies away!
There are many ways to keep yourself safe and healthy while enjoying the beauty of nature! This can be done in a natural way so it is not harmful to our bodies! Being outside makes us feel good and can improve our mood too! Don’t let the fear of those bugs keep you from enjoying these things!