What’s that smell?

What is the difference between a natural smell and a synthetic smell? Have you ever thought about it? Or maybe you just have never known there was a difference. Many people are not aware that there is a difference because in our lives our bodies have become so accustomed to the synthetic smells that you don’t know any different.

So here is the rundown…

When you buy a product, do you see the ingredient “fragrance” or “parfum” on the list? If so, do you know what that ingredient is? Most likely not, because no one knows! The ingredient “fragrance” and “parfum” is composed of many ingredients in which they do not have to list each ingredient! So, there can be hundreds of ingredients under the one ingredient of “fragrance”, and they do not have to tell you what they are! To me, that is appalling!

The sad part is, that most of these hidden ingredients are actually synthetic chemicals! When you see a lotion called “soothing lavender”, there may be no actual lavender in that lotion, and it is all synthetic chemical “fragrance”!

“Fragrance” by definition of the FDA is a combination of chemicals that can give products it’s distinct scent. Some of these chemicals are petroleum based, which are very toxic to the body. They can contain solvents, stabilizers, preservatives and dyes. None of these have to be listed in the ingredient “fragrance”. So, you do not know what exactly you are putting on your body! Scary!!!

Why is the synthetic fragrance so bad for you?

The IFRA (internal fragrance association) says that there is a list of 3,059 things that are reported being in “fragrance”. There is evidence that these components are linked to allergies, cancer and reproductive issues/endocrine disruption.

Our bodies are exposed to so many things on a daily basis. By the time we leave the house in the morning, we have been exposed to hundreds of chemicals! Over time, that exposure creates diseases. Many diseases can actually be prevented by the choices we make. Some people will say that we are exposed to so much, why bother? Or another one I have heard is “they wouldn’t sell things if it was harmful to humans”. Sadly though, this statement is so wrong! Please do not think that just because it is sold on the shelf that it must be fine!

Here are ways to start limiting the chemicals in fragrance…


I cannot stress this enough! It can take some time and effort to read the ingredients of everything you are buying, but it is worth your health. There are many ingredients to stay away from like parabens, phthalates, and formaldehyde (yes…this is in many products and directly linked to cancer!), but just starting with fragrance is a great start!

Start looking at everything that you are using now and start switching a few things at a time. It can be hard to switch everything all at once, but even if you switch a few things each month, within a year you will have improved your health so much by lowering your toxic load.

Another way you can avoid fragrance and chemicals is to make some of your own products with simple things like castile soap, jojoba oil, coconut oil. With these DIY projects you can use essential oils for a beautiful scent.

Here is a very easy body wash recipe…

1/2 cup of Castile soap (unscented-I like Dr Bronner’s)

3-4 tbsp of vegetable glycerin (this helps it thicken a bit)

2-3 tbsp jojoba oil or coconut oil (adds moisture for your skin)

30 drops of your favorite essential oil (I choose Young Living, it is the cleanest essential oil on the market with no synthetics or additives. ) You can use just one essential oil, or 2-3 oils. There is no wrong way to mix it up!

Add everything together in an 8 oz container that you can get on Amazon, or you can get one that has a foam pump for a foaming body wash. Mix it all up and you are ready to go.

Doing this is one way to ensure that there is no “fragrance” in one of your personal care products!

I removed anything with fragrance from products we use in my home about 7 years ago. I never really thought about my laundry detergent or any products we were putting on our skin. I looked to make sure they didn’t have parabens, but never thought about the scent. When I removed the fragrance, I noticed a big difference. Now if I am around anything with synthetic fragrance, I get an immediate headache. Our laundry soap has no fragrance, all of our personal care products have no fragrance, and there are no more candles in my home…because they are toxic with fragrance as well!

I am a big fan of a couple companies that really have clean products and you can get everything from non-toxic make-up to skin care to shampoo, conditioner and body washes. I have the links on this website for Young Living and Beauty Counter. Both companies in my opinion are great, with amazing products and are a one stop shop for all the things you need.

You can cut your toxic load with eliminating fragrance in so many ways, you just have to be aware of it. Once you are aware of it, it takes some time to switch everything over, and that is ok. In the long run your body and mind will thank you!


Where do I start?

