Where do I start?

Are you someone who thinks “I really need to clean up my diet”. Or “I really need to clean up my lifestyle”. Many people feel that they want to clean up their diet or lifestyle but either do not know where to start, or get very overwhelmed and give up. So where do you start?

Start one thing at a time! If you try and change too many things at once, that is when you get overwhelmed and want to throw in the towel. Research one thing at a time. If you start looking up too many things at once, fear, anger, worry and anxiety will set in. If you do one thing at a time, you are more likely to make the changes and stick with them.

Start with food. One thing I tell all of my patients and clients to start with…SUGAR! Cut all sugar!!! This is a hard one because sugar is everywhere. Start reading ingredients and nutritional values. Sugar causes inflammation, disturbs the flow of the immune cells, and is a huge link to Cancer! In 2020, it was estimated that 1,806,590 people were diagnosed with cancer in the United States per Cancer.gov! This is crazy!

One of the biggest links to cancer is our diets. The SAD diet (or standard American diet) is literally killing people! Processed food, foods loaded with sugar, GMO’s, preservatives, and many ingredients our bodies were not meant to ingest are in these foods.

All food is expensive, and organic food can be more pricey… but when it comes to your health and the health of your family, paying for organic food is cheaper then the expense of being ill. Try and buy organic whenever you can.

After you get your food in check, think about what you are putting on your body. Your skin is the largest organ on your body, and it absorbs everything.

By the time we leave the house in the morning, we have put over 100 chemicals on our body. What happens to those chemicals once they are on your skin? They are absorbed into the bloodstream, causing havoc on your cells, creating hormone disruption, and they are linked to cancer. Day after day of this is toxic to your system.

So, start looking for cleaner products, and switch one thing at a time. This process of removing toxins from your home and life takes time, so be patient. Once you have switched things, your body will be so much happier.

Cleaners are another big one you want to switch. When you are using toxic cleaners, you are touching them and inhaling them, getting into your bloodstream. Time to ditch those toxins!

There are many chemicals in cleaners and disinfectants that are directly linked to cancer, hormone disruption, asthma and allergies. Your body was not meant to process these toxins.

Try switching to good old vinegar and baking soda. Try Thieves cleaner or another plant based cleaner. You can make your own cleaner with essential oils. This can be cost effective, plus good for your health.

I could go on and on with the many things to change out, but let’s not overwhelm you! Start with these few things and then move on to other things like water quality, supplements, EMF protection, stress levels…so many things!

I am here to guide you with these changes. I want each and every person to be able to make small changes for their health.

If you are not following me on Facebook or IG, start following! I give tips in all my posts, and I give many tips on my stories each and every day! The links to these are in the tab above. If you are wanting more guidance, email me! I would love to work with you one on one to guide you into making bigger changes!

Remember, one change at a time is a big deal! It is you taking control of your own health! Celebrate that!


Ticks…secret little monster’s


What’s that smell?